IQVIATaking Playbooks to the Next Level

IQVIA employ c80K people globally with a sales force running into the thousands. These sellers are tasked with positioning and selling hundreds of market leading services, solutions and technologies to the pharmaceutical industry. Add to this IQVIA's track record of acquiring companies and folding them into the portfolio and it becomes complicated and challenging quickly for commercial teams.
In an attempt to combat this IQVIA heavily used sales playbooks to help breakdown and make more digestible its products and solutions. However, its internal teams consistently struggled to produce the right structure or content for these playbooks to make a significant difference. Bridge were brought in to work with the US and UK enablement teams to rethink the playbook strategy and become the production team for all of IQVIA's playbooks. Across an 18-month period 18 playbooks were produced using an entirely new structure and approach. Infographics, micro-learning, interactive exercises and video were integrated to help lift the playbook experience and significantly drive greater adoption and value.